The Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism at Christian Medical College, Vellore organised an Exhibition on 17th December, 2021 in the CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus between 9.00am to 3.00pm, in commemoration of the World Diabetes Day 2021, on the theme “Access to Diabetes Care”.
The Departments of Cardiology, Dietetics, Dentistry, Nephrology, Ophthalmology, Physiotherapy, Prosthetics & Orthotics along with the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism put up stalls which disseminated awareness about diabetes, its complications and the scope for its prevention. Screening for diabetes was performed for 178 patients. Foot and eye examination too was done for them. They were also educated on the various challenges they would face and how they can be overcome.
The exhibition began with a word of prayer by Rev. Vijayakumar. Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji and Dr. Abraham Thomas, Senior Administrator, CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus was the guest of honor for the day.
Chittoor Exhibition Pictures - 2021
In commemoration of the World Diabetes Day 2021, we organized a Poster competition on the topic : “Measures to handle childhood obesity, and ways to prevent subsequent pre-diabetes, diabetes and gestational diabetes” for the staff in CMC Vellore & Chittoor Campus on 12th November, 2021 at VIP Hall, VGSWS.
Thematic and creative posters were judged by Dr. Abel Livingston, Associate Professor, Orthopaedics– Unit-III, Dr. Gilbert, Assistant professor, Surgery – Unit-IV and Mrs. Deena David, Reader, College of Nursing. They commended on the innovation shown by the participants in the making of posters.
Mrs. Sangeetha. I from A4 Ward won the first prize while the second prize was bagged by Ms. Jansi Rani from CMC Chittoor Campus and the third prize won by Ms. Indumathy. B from BMTU.
The consolation prizes were awarded to Ms. Sumitra from Rusha and Ms. Priya from CHAD.
Poster Competition Pictures 2021
In Commemoration of World Diabetes Day 2021, the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism conducted a Dia-Quiz on "Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders" for the Nursing Students at College of Nursing, CMC Vellore on November 16, 2021. Dr. Vathsala Sadan, Dean, College of Nursing, was the Chief Guest for the day.
A total of 414 students are participated in the Preliminary written test and 4 teams qualified to the final round.
The following were the Prize Winners :- First Prize - Ms. Priyadarshini, Ms. Ranjana Nainar, Ms.Vinolia Vinnarasi, Ms. Vijaya Second Prize - Ms. Sheeba Rubini, Ms. Jiss Maria John, Ms. Jesintha, Mrs. Indhra Third Prize – Ms. Sharmila A, Ms. Janani D, Ms Sherin Maria Thomas, Ms. Flora Jeba Sheeli
Nursing Quiz Pictures 2021
As part of ongoing activities in commemoration of World Diabetes Day 2021, the department of Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism conducted an inter-school poster painting competition on a critical theme” The Economic Burden of Diabetes” on 27th November, 2021 at Darling Residency, Vellore.
67 Students from 18 schools painted their thoughts graphically and zealously in the painting Competition. Furthermore, a quiz contest was conducted for the teachers of the participant schools. Five teams comprising of two teachers from each representative school had exciting moments answering questions related to health and diabetes amidst loud cheers and applauses from the participants.
Dr Prabhakar Moses – Former Professor and head, Department of Child Health, CMC, Vellore spoke at the occasion as chief guest and appreciated the children for their sense of awareness about health and shared his vision for a better society. In addition, he spoke about the discovery of insulin 100 years ago by Banting and Best, and how it inspired the improved the longevity of patients with insulin over the last century. The very first patient with Type 1 diabetes lived till the age of 70 years. It has made a massive difference to patients living diabetes. Additionally, he made it clear that sporting activities were extremely important in terms of prevention of diabetes. Dr Prabhakar Moses himself was a talented cricketer, who at one time, played 2nd division cricket for the Scottish Cricket league several years before, bowling tantalizing leg spin!
The events were meticulously judged by a team of expert medical faculty including Dr Avinash Nair of Pulmonary medicine, Dr Arun Paul, Professor in Dentistry and Mrs Meenakshi Professor in Medical Nursing by evaluating the numerous posters for thematic content, illustrative appeal and aesthetic value.
The best thematic poster was painted by Mr. Guruprasath, Spark Hr Sec. School, while Ms T. Swetha, S.D.A. School, Otteri and Ms. K. Shruthi, Snehadeepam School shared the second prize. Ms. Jaya Prathiba from D.A.V Bhel School secured the third place. Consolation prizes were awarded Ms. C.R. Akshitha from B.M.D. Jain School and Mr. M. Yokesh from N.K.M. Hr Secondary School
The best contestants of the Science quiz for teachers were Ms. G. Sathiya Sheela and Mr. R. Jagadish from Vani Vidhyalaya CBSE School won the first prize and Ms. M. Ramya and Ms. V. Archana from Kingston International Academy, CBSE School, securing the second prize. Ms. J. Jaya Ruby and Ms. R. Leena representing Ida Scudder School secured the third place. The prizes for the best painting and winners of the Teachers Quiz will be awarded in the valedictory function to be held early next year.
Painting Competition for School Students
In Commemoration of World Diabetes Day 2021, the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism conducted a Medi Quiz on "Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders" for Medical Students at New Examination Hall, Bagayam College Campus on 30th November 2021 Dr. Uday Zachariah, Professor, Department of Hepatology, CMC, Vellore. was the Chief Guest for the day. A total of 23 teams participated in the Quiz competition and 4 teams qualified to the final round.
Medi Quiz Pictures 2021
The Department of Endocrinology, CMC Vellore had organized a Cookery Competition on the theme “A Diabetic Snack” on the evening of 4th December,2021, which was a melange to exhibit the culinary skills for the people of Vellore. The Chief Guest for the evening, Dr. Elsy Thomas, Professor in OG Unit-I, CMC Vellore gave a talWas the Chief Guest for the dayy diet in diabetes.
The judges for the event were Dr. Suceena Alexander, Professor of Nephrology & Additional Vice principal (Research), CMC Vellore, Mrs. Manimegalai, In-charge, Dietary Department, CMC Vellore and Mrs. Baby Saroja, Professor, Community Health Department, College of Nursing, CMC Vellore. The event witnessed the zealous participation of 31 teams, which includes School Children, Teachers from various schools & colleges, staff from CMC Vellore and home makers. They have showcased innovative ideas to make different kind of delicious and nutritious diabetic snacks. The recipes were evaluated on the basis of nutritive and calorific value, cost of ingredients, time duration of cooking, and taste.
The first prize was bagged by Ms Ruth and Ms Rachel of CMC Vellore, for the recipe “D Drink, Orange Phirni, Veggites. The second prize shared by Ms.P.Chithra Priya and Brindha of Vellammmal Bodhi campus school for their recipe of Millet Kuzhi Panyaram, Bitter Gourd Tikki, Wheat momos and Spinach egg omolete and Ms. Rashm Varma and Ms. Geetha of Ida Scudder School for their Multi Millets Kuzhi Paniyaram with Peanuts and flax seed Chutney. The Third prize shared by D. Anbu and Sharmila of CMC Vellore for their Black Gram Dhal Vada, Black Gram Ball, Black Gram Sundal and Millet Kitchadi, Vishnu Priya and Kavya from DAV Bhel School for their Brocken Wheat Upma, Ragi Milk Shake, Soya Beans Cutlet and Oats Cutlet with Mint Dip
Five consolation prizes were also awarded to Mutharasan and Sudharsan from Muthurangam Govt. arts college, Vellore, Joyce Beulah from CMC Vellore, Emlinal from CMC Vellore, Yogalakshmi from CMC Vellore and Keerthini and Sanchana from DAV Bhel School The cash prizes and trophies would be awarded to the winners during the valedictory function to be held in February/ March next year.
Cookery Competition 2021
Cookery Competition (Video)
In commemoration of the World Diabetes Day 2021-220, the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism at CMC has conducted a series of events namely Cookery Competition, Nursing Quiz, Medi Quiz, Painting competition, Teacher’s Quiz, Poster Competition, Slogan competition, Video clipping competition, and Self Composed Dance competition targeted towards school and college students around Vellore city from October 2021 to March 2022. In appreciation of a tremendous support we got from the people, we organized a Self-Composed Dance Competition for School & College Students Titled : Handling Diabetes in Pregnancy, at Darling Residency on 26th March, 2022, followed by a Valediction programme.
The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr. Seshadri, Former head of Endocrinology, Christian Medical College, Vellore.
The function was graced by the presence of the Eminent endocrinologist- Prof M.S Seshadri – the former head and professor of the department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, CMC Vellore. He applauded all participants for their Zealous and co-ordinated participation and reiterated the need for a healthy lifestyle inclusive of nutritious diet and optimal physical activity. In line with the theme of the dance competition- Gestational diabetes, Prof. Seshadri emphasised on how marriage and pregnancy predispose a woman to Gestational Diabetes. India is a culturally diverse nation. He recalled how a pregnant woman is subjected to numerous social myths about nutrition during pregnancy – most commonly as “ the mother has to eat for two lives” and “she should not exert much physically”, Such social myths lead to an increasing prevalence of Gestational diabetes, which much often is undetected in the early stages. With limited access to health care facilities, the need for advocating healthy lifestyle during pregnancy and amongst other women of a family are of paramount importance.
Prof. Seshadri stated that physical activity amongst school children, especially in the higher secondary classes in on a rapid decline. Academic work-load, increasing peer competition and lack of week-end breaks, lead to erratic eating habits and decreased physical activity in the prime stages of a child’s growth. Changes in lifestyle and dietary habits is evident in young adults after marriage due to influence of spouse, and family gatherings. The notion of a healthy diet is widely construed as it is often perceived that a “ full meal” is healthy. Often, physical exercise is understood as monotonous and time-consuming activity. Most often people do not exercise due to factors such as “ lack of time”, or “inadequate facilities for exercise”. Dancing is an ideal form of recreation that can improve one’s physical and emotional health, irrespective of age and gender. It is a robust stress buster and improves social bonding between one another and can be done in one’s home. Furthermore, Prof. Seshadri stated that the World Diabetes Day should be commemorated as a day of “Good Nutrition and optimal Physical activity.
The judges for the event were Dr. Gauri and Dr. Priya Kuryan from Dermatology, CMC Velore, Dr. Gina Chandy from the Dept. of Accident and Emergency, Dr. Deepak Francis from Anatomy, Mrs. Nirmala from College of Nursing and Dr. Parangamma, Radiologist from Apollo Hospital.
Among the schools, the first prize was bagged by Spring Days School, followed by Lakshmi Garden in the second place and the 3rd Prize gone to B.M.D Jain School. And the consolation prize given to Holy Cross Matric Higher Secondary School and Voorhese Higher Sec School.
Among colleges, St John’s College of Nursing won the first prize, followed by College of Nursing CMC Vellore Chittoor Campus and College of Nursing CMC Vellore the second and third places respectively. And the consolation prize given to School of Nursing Karigiri and D.K.M College, Vellore.